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Showing posts from 2012

What 2012 Taught US?

Mayans were never right or wrong - what they expressed was their understanding of universe,   all the hype was & IS contribution of never-ending nature of human curiosity which construed to the imagination of a world e nding in 2012, shift is in every moment provided the consciousness is ready to see it, humans have always stood in front of this doorway with a blindfold and great masters of all times have just tried to take that blind-fold off - few succeeded in a small way. Large scale of AWAKEn-in to consciousness has just begun with people witnessing this artificial mass-hysteria in real - through the superstition and intellectual ones in our society. Wake up, wake up, wake up - the agenda of darkness is to keep humans in sleep forever. We believe, universal consciousness is greater than mass consciousness and the later trying to control is dangerous because that can be controlled by the wrong hands. "Stand in front of a window and witness what you see, if its still a tho

Kosmic Fusion® at Mind Body Spirit, Sydney Australia. Nov 2012

From the 3-D to 5-D+ initiations in 2012 Sydney Gaiathon Wesak Day Celebration Kosmic Fusion ® ™ brings the Blessings from “SOURCE” which is embedded eternally in the Wesak Valley to celebrate Wesak-Buddha Full Moon in Sydney 6th May Revolutionary insights on Ascension to understand that there is no linear climbing on the ladder of evolution. Come let’s do it spatially!

Kosmic Fusion® at New Spirit Expo, Auckland New Zealand. Feb 2012