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Showing posts from January, 2015

Kosmic Fusion® – 5D++ AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN Workshop - [March 2015]

Ever wondered if there was more to life? Propel yourself out of 3D drama with our most awaited workshop! You will experience several activations and initiations in the 5D ++         AwaKeNiN & TrANsForMaTioN Workshop. In this two day process, you’ll start your journey with the clearing and removal of the dense vibrations that make up your grids and templates – which are collective unconscious beliefs, patterns and programs of the past that are now obsolete. This will propel you into 5D++. You’re now plugged into the invisible and infinite field of the highest frequency there is – the Source – Zero Point. This magnificent mother of all frequencies and vibrations transforms you into a living light that emits and embodies the Absolute. In return, the Absolute grants you the Divine power to become an instant healer. You become a constant vibrational presence after this life-changing experience, which means that you will uplift and transform your surroundings effortlessly and spontaneo