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Public Notice: External Communication for Quantum Vortex Energy, Quantum Vortex Healing and Quantum Vortex Practitioners

This article is with reference to USPTO Trademark application Serial Number: 85711721.

Subject: External communications for Kosmic Fusion International & Kosmic Fusion Limited (registered companies in New Zealand) with operations in Australia. 

We have been keeping a close eye on the initial application filed by Meg Benedicte with Serial Number 85711721 for Quantum Vortex Healing (later amended to Quantum Vortex and currently Quantum Vortex Technology). We have been offering training into Quantum Vortex Energy, Quantum Vortex Energy (also called Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Photon Pulse) since 2007 (while the company was formally incorporated in Singapore). In June 2012, one of our associates from Australia carried our brochures (physical printed copies) for general publicity into US market i.e. Sedona to be precise. We suspect Meg Benedicte has received one of those copies and replicated her work a.k.a. Quantum Vortex Healing and Quantum Vortex. In none of Meg Benedicte's work, prior to above date (June'2012) she mentions about 5th Dimensional Energies which we suspect is cheap imitation of our training's & programmes.

Objections and Supplementary Information:

1. As per the evidence provided in her application (Serial Number 85711721), she has only provided copies of Digital media after filing the application in August 2012. In her initial application she has mentioned that Quantum Vortex Healing or Quantum Vortex was "first used anywhere" as 16/05/2012 which contradicts her current supplementary evidence where she mentioned about using the trademark name since 1997. We have extensively used Quantum Vortex Healing and Energy even in February'2012 which you may verify with simple google search at this site:

2. We have done our research over internet and have arrived at conclusion that Meg Benedicte was using "Sedona Vortex Healing" prior to 2012 i.e. even as recent as March 2012.

Please review the Youtube video at this link:

flawed evidence Quantum Vortex
flawed evidence Quantum Vortex

flawed evidence Quantum Vortex or Sedona Vortex
flawed evidence Quantum Vortex or Sedona Vortex

flawed claim of Quantum Vortex or just vortex
flawed claim of Quantum Vortex or just vortex?

There was only “Vortex Healing” appeared in the description as well as mentioned in the film, which in itself breaches usage & imitation of already Registered Trademark of "VortexHealing"

3. Information provided in Meg Benedicte's current response:
"I submitted the trademark application 18 months ago to develop a licensing package for all my Certified Quantum Vortex Practitioners. I cannot determine if the woman listed at Kosmic Fusion is one of my students since she is not using her registered name in her business. She is located in Australia and her program sounds like my unique training material."

This is totally false and baseless. "Ilya Jutte" ( has been working together with us (Kosmic Fusion) and has been completely trained as "Quantum Vortex Practitioner" since Feb'2012 (originally coined by Kosmic Fusion). Which was the time when Meg Benedicte used to offer "Sedona-Vortex Healing".

It is not just Ilya but we have Certified & Trained Practitioners from all over the world (Australia, Dubai, New Zealand, Singapore, United States, United Kingdom) who have undergone intense 28 hour workshop to be awarded with a Certificate (all our practitioners are required to document at least 20 healing sessions before certification is awarded, we can share this information when requested).

Some of our practitioners websites are as follows:

Some of our Practitioners are listed at below page:

4. Recently Meg Benedicte claimed to have founded "Mt Shasta Quantum Healing Center" whereas Mr Joshua has been operating a Spiritual Retreat with the name "Quantum Healing Center LLC" since 2003/2005. Again, this act reflects the imitation of certain products and services which Meg Benedicte has been taking from other healing modalities.

Considering all the above material facts, we would request all our audience to take notice of above distinction and declare that Kosmic Fusion has no association with Meg Benedicte for whatsoever reasons.

Quantum Vortex, Quantum Vortex Meditation, Quantum Vortex Healing or Quantum Vortex Energy has been widely used by Kosmic Fusion International (and all our related affiliates) since anyone in the world wide west ever used these terms.


  1. I am appalled and shocked that so called 'teachers' of 5D would dare post such erroneous and miss-information about Meg Benedicte! I have followed her for years and know her personally. I find her to have more Integrity than most people I know!! I suggest you check your facts and verify what really is Truth before you make such bold, untrue and slanderous statements. Such behavior is an insult to the sacredness of this Holy Work and shocking that an organization that boasts of unity would dare say such things about anyone! It is my opinion that this is a extremely poor example of 5D Living! It makes me wonder if you are the ones that are to be suspect?! It is just like an abuser to throw that spot light onto the victim and blame them for the abuse.
    If this is not your truth then I would like to make an appeal to Step Up and Choose Love, Unity, Oneness and never dare say such slander about your brethren! Your teaching 5D Living?? Then Live it!!!!

    1. The proof is of the pudding is just in the evidence provided earlier, living in 5th Dimension doesn't necessarily mean you stay blinded in your own little cucko world. Based on above information it does look suspicious on the kind of plagiarism Meg Benedicte has been doing. Based on the information available on her very own website, she was doing some basic Egyptian work - how does that shift overnight! I can't believe my eyes with such false teachers, what are they crapping on the spiritual society?

    2. Jeanie, there is so much evidence posted above - what makes you think there is any "miss"-information or erroneous ? I can totally understand it, you have followed her for years and that's where the biggest issues crop up for people who blindly "follow" - the best teacher always stands besides the student. What holy is left in spirituality when same corporate greed is creeping in here to? What 5D are you talking about when people like Meg are just copying stuff from everywhere and putting out there to naive people!!

    3. Dear Jeanie,
      What has been posted above in the blog is based on absolute facts. If you are a person who loves truth then please read it thoroughly before making any comments. Our dedicated team has painstakingly collated all these information and evidences as produced above.

      It is not just about Meg Benedicte (as a person) in question, its the attitude and blatant copy which we are against. As an individual she must be great person (well everyone is!) but the acts define what is holy or unholy about a person. At Kosmic Fusion, we have been providing these services (inclusive of the word "QUANTUM") for a very long time and this has remained undisputed throughout the world where our Practitioners and participants are based.

      Living with a 5D Consciousness comes with equal responsibility and if people who lead the way themselves are copying from each other then there is no great window of opportunity left for others that are just beginning their spiritual quest.

      Meg was teaching "Vortex Meditation", "Sedona Vortex Healing", "Unified Field Therapy Healing" etc, all of these overnight changed to "Quantum Vortex Meditation", "Quantum Vortex Healing" and so on. These are reflected in backdated articles which were updated, forged and produced to Trademark Office. Such act is completely uncalled for, to twist facts for material gains doesn't compliment anyone's Spiritual Quest - let alone the much beloved teachers in this journey.

      We Live our Light and We Love our Light!

    4. Jeanie,
      I admire your Loyalty...But following someone who copies stuff and mow down those who question it!!....and following her blindly is your own free will....Look Deep down and Discern for your SELF......

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Is this some sort of joke-such blatant copying the little spiritual world?

      The West has always copied most (if not all) from the East anyways and there are no exceptions. Reading all the above details it just makes me throw up on what's being exchanged on the name of spirituality. Being "Original" is what must be left behind, if we are light then it reflects in our actions too.

    2. We don't have any personal issues with Meg, we glad she was the torchbearer in your journey.

      However, we believe each one is responsible for their own actions and this time as we are at the receiving end - we ought to keep some facts in the most clear way possible. Yes there are so many light workers or spiritual leaders all over the world that have come to raise the light quotient, guide, show the path and help others in the journey - we appreciate it; it also comes with huge responsibility of having some ethics while doing such acts and that's what our post above is.

      Thank you

  3. Is this some sort of joke-such blatant copying the little spiritual world?

    The West has always copied most (if not all) from the East anyways and there are no exceptions. Reading all the above details it just makes me throw up on what's being exchanged on the name of spirituality. Being "Original" is what must be left behind, if we are light then it reflects in our actions too.

  4. Not only a cheap imitation and totally lied about everything....Meg Benedicte you are busted!!!..... Not only you copied and try to past it your own originality... But you try to mow down the true Originality of Quantum Vortex Healing…. Is this a Light worker Trait!! How dare you corrupt the Pureness of Quantum Vortex Energy…. Do you even know what damage you may have cause….

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