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2012 - Twenty Twelve - End of Time... really ??

In the past few years many have asked me during workshops and classes.. what is going to happen on 21st december 2012.

I see what is going to happen as something out of one's control .

in other words destiny

look at the possibilty of anything can happen bringing out the victim self

so what is it really

well it is a moment in time or a day in a year where what all has been going on in past will come to conclusion .

there is going to be no physical level change... we will not grow wings or tails or horns

we will simply become aware of our higher potential , for some the journey will still continue

some souls will choose to leave if they dont wish to be around that time

nothing catastrophic is going to happen , the oceans are not going to gulp us down

if we all could learn how to breathe again in water, how can we be killed ... its just that we have forgotten so many of our skills and talents of the past

hue-mans are not just evolutionary templates who have to ascend , they are already perfect ,simply in amnesia of their divine stature and so this whole illusion of life, death , karma, pain ,money , lack, love and so much more jargon

what is needed is to stop believing in we have to evolve to reach somewhere

stop putting so much desire on ascension and simply acknowledge the Divine Creator hood

attending workshops/classes is nothing but becoming a junkie, addicted to them, why do you need to find like minded people , why can we aqquaint ourselves to every single hue-man around us.

why do we expect friends to be our clones...

no spiritual forum or group can make you believe you are divine if they are telling you to " Work on yourself" until how long will we let the fears of the teachers conducting the workshop ...

its their belief that the world will disappear or humnaity has to pay a price for doign what it has so far

isnt that like bible, geeta or quran teachings, justice will be done , it is inevitable

frankly speaking nobody is qualified to speak for the divine architect , its is simply sometimes the fascination of many who propogate , they know it all

if we are divine ... then why we have to believe in the theory of polarity

light and dark ... armageddon ... nothing of this is going on really

this is a genuis idea of some bored people who wanted to give importance to struggle and are still hooked up tightly in zillion knots on the FEAR MATRIX

socities have been birthed into this fear and so all the illusion and dogma around feels mammoth and so real

wake up and take the power back in your hand, stop reading or buying any material/book which speaks about the end of times..

consciousness is EVOLVED it need not go through a precision cycle of 26000 years to be aligned

all these theories of ascension with 10 of hundred different sessions to be done are simply to make money through spirituality

take a tarot reading if you want some clarity on where you are headed ... take it with a pinch of salt ,if you get good advice that resonates with you go for it

there is nothing that we cant claim from the Universe , as we are the universe, we are the creators

these so called life chalenges, obstacles are like a board game, play them if you enjoy being busy and active but you can retreat into a space of stillnes and quietness (isnt that dissolution )

energies shift, move , dance in many patterns , as long as the atom is split it will continue its process of life will cease to exist when its meant to

millions of stars and galaxies cease to exist each day, it is the play of movement.

no need to glorify every little thing in your liife as miraculous ... what do you think a junkie who would have injected heroin in himself with infected needle was not saved miraculously .. we dont see that as we want to only focus on what we want to beleive in

there is always going to me mysterious ways in which ONENESS wil operate

i suppose end is coming near of massive ego structures of my way is the right way, war is inevitable ... unfortunately many of us dont even think this way but it is still happening , because scripts have been drafted and characters are acting on stage past their intervals .

ending this note in a positve light ... you are ascended the moment you believe you are the creator of your world and taking responsibilty and accountabliity of what we have created and not blame it on people who are ignorant and living in denial .

candidly sharing this article to all on facebook who would like to have a read .. its a view point on 2012 , take it with a pinch of salt .

love and only love
kaVeeTa SunIEL


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